Thursday, March 6, 2008

Too Poop or Not to Poop, that is the question…..

Okay, everyone has told me that when you have kids the conversations will surround the kids and their body functions which are absolutely true! Tuesday I do not think I have ever spoken more about pooping in my whole life. Easton was going on day 6 without pooping and Layla was on day 4. My mother and I were a little concerned of course that they did not go yet. But finally the winds changed and they both went that evening. I have to admit I did a dance on behalf of my children. You know when you have become a mom is when you do a dance for that reason. :)

Tuesday also brought dear friends by to see me and the babies, Alishia and her husband Justin. They came to enjoy Arizona and see the sites: Grand Canyon and Sedona and spring training baseball. Monday my mother graciously let us out of the house and I was able to go to Sushi with them. We had a great time. Then on Tuesday Alishia came over to see us. She was so wonderful in helping and loving on my babies. Alishia was such good sport in holding Easton and Layla, giving Mom and I a break at times. Also Amy Rich was able to swing by on her way home from work. She and I used to work together and Enterprise and we played co-ed soccer on Sunday nights. It was nice to hug her and hear how things are going on in her own life.

Well that is my two cents for today, more on the way….


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