Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tag Team Blogging

Bronson Says:

I haven't had a chance to post all of my favorite pictures taken during the past couple of weeks because of the travel and here is a good one of my cousin Karen showing her magic touch of soothing Easton Troy as she rocked in the chair. Her and Mary sure know their stuff when it comes to taking care of the babies.
I spent all day at work and it was a little torturous to know Nana and Kendra were spending time with the twins without me. Nana learned a thing or two yesterday from the lactation consultant as well and she's keeping Kendra within the parameters of what the consultant recommended. It's kind of a "Change this and that for one week and see if it helps" type of thing.

Hearing the results of the pediatrician visit made my day a whole lot happier and I'll tag Kendra in to provide more details and her thoughts:

Kendra Says:

Hello All,
Monday was a sad day for me, my mother left to go back to Sacramento the day before and I thought that I would cry my eyes out before her departure. But since we were so occupied with the babies that never happened but once she left the river started to flow. Let's just say that I was a little emotional on Monday. I mourned all day long. On a happy note, it has been a joy and delight to have Connie here with me. She has been so loving and helpful with the babies and me. I have enjoyed our time together and looking forward to more of it.
Today was better but an interesting day. We had our one month check up and it went really well. Everyone is gaining weight like they should. My little Peanut, aka Layla is now weighs 6lbs 12oz. Woohoo! She is catching up to her big brother (who is now 8lbs 1oz). The only hard part was to see them receive there Hep B shots. It broke my heart to see them cry that hard. I do not know what I going to do when they 2 month check up comes and they have to receive 4, oh boy!
Well that is it for tonight, will try blog more tomorrow.

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