Monday, June 21, 2010

The True Fan

Hi Friends and Family,

We just found out our neighbors across the street are expecting twins. Sure is interesting being on this side of the glass looking in regarding pregnancy and birth and caring for two babies. It's an odd feeling to be excited and happy for them, but at the same time thinking (you have no idea of the effort required for what you're about to experience).

I know, every parent thinks their child is the best looking, most well-behaved kid(s) in the world. I'm no exception to that rule although unlike most dads people make a special effort to tell me how pretty and well-behaved Easton and Layla are. I could stare at this picture of Layla for hours and never get tired of looking at her.

Running around the green belt playing is even better than looking at her picture! She has an extremely strong core and chases me down like a cheetah attacking a gazelle... while holding an Ariel doll in her hand. :)

Easton is doing great to keep up with Layla on physical challenges involving balance and climbing hills and such. However, he is leading the way with his imagination and intelligence. He flies his Space Shuttle everywhere we go and never gets tired of zooming it around (complete with sound effects).

We took the Mother's Day balloons with us to the greenbelt several weeks ago to let them go up, up in the sky. A clip was removed from each balloon so it wouldn't hold it down. Easton's clip was lost and ended up getting shredded by the lawn mower. Easton found a small shard of his clip and quickly identified the little piece of plastic as "the blue clip from my balloon".

I am impressed he remembered the balloons and how he re-enacted the release of them. He's got a great memory, perfect eye sight, and excellent hearing. I'm jealous of that 2 year old boy of mine already...

He waits patiently by the wall of the greenbelt for me to lift him up over my head so he can see the train resting on the other side. I'm sure you've heard the phrase, "giddy as a school boy", right? Well, here is what that looks like pictorially.

And here's one final picture of our evening at the mailbox. Easton and Layla both smiling, looking at the camera (sort of), and in the same proximity.

And now for my final Laker's gloating session for the 2009/2010 NBA champions... This is NOT indoctrination (Thou doth protest too much). It is a fundamental right I'm exercising as a parent to teach Easton about how to be a fan and how to pick a winner. Not how to be a band wagon jumping, fairweather-Johnson either! This first picture was taken during the series where the Lakers lost to the Celtics (boooooo).

And then there is last year's championship over the Orlando Magic (hooray! Easton's first taste of what it takes to be a champ).

And finally, the most recent beat-down of the Celtics for the Kobe's 5th title with the Lakers. I don't have many traditions, but this being the 3rd annual Laker's uniform picture with Easton definitely constitutes a tradition. It's hard to imagine he will fit in that jersey someday.

Ignoring the jersey and basketball all together, it is phenomenal to see Easton grow year to year. I am so very grateful for the health and growth of Easton and Layla. They truly are a blessing for Kendra and I. We are excited to take our trip to the beach and have them play in the ocean for the first time. Kendra and I enjoy the beach incredibly and it will be difficult to pass on that passion as we live in the middle of the desert.

Where there's a will there is a way.

See you soon!

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