Monday, June 28, 2010

boxes and daredevils and pigtails

Hola friends and family,

Welcome back to our exciting world of parenting twins. Take comfort knowing this is a puke-free post. Be not afraid for everyone is healthy in the Casa de Webb. After a normal work day today I sped home attempting to outrun the dust storm as it overwhelmed the sky in my rearview mirror and then through the sunroof. By the time I stepped out of my car at home the wind and dust was so prevalent it felt like I was inide a Hoover vacuum. We battened down the hatches and stayed inside the rest of the night. The temperature was still well over 100 at 11:00 PM tonight so it's not like we would have walked to the mailbox even if the sky was clear and calm. Those days of regular strolls to the green belt are over for a few months.

So what's a dad to do with two monkeys and a mommy who needs a break? Uhhhh... How about we play with this BOX container thingy?

Kids are so humorous and easy going. Easton and Layla said, "OK, pull me around the room, daddy!" What started as a way to entertain them ended up as a physical workout for me as I drug each one across the carpet making race car engine noises. Layla was extremely proud of herself for sharing and she gave Easton a big kiss on top of his head, which he didn't mind.

Actually, Easton didn't really pay much attention to her because he was so excited to go for his turn around the carpet.

After I wore a path across the living room from pulling them around they thought it would be fun to jump off Mommy's aerobic steps over the cars and airplanes. Ohhhhhh, the danger and suspense! You'd think they were jumping a motorcycle through flames with how excited they were.

Earlier in the day Kendra took the twins into the library for toddler time and book check out. I'm sad to report Layla didn't make it through the short event due to a melt-down and Kendra had to straighten up her attitude in the restroom. Discipline would be difficult for me when she is singing with these extra cute pigtails in her hair.

Last weekend I made it out to the trails for a sunrise ride with Judson. If a therapist ever asks me to close my eyes and think about my "happy place", this picture describes the exact spot and the exact situation which will come to mind.

If only I had $4.8 Million, I would retire and ride mountain bikes every morning before the twins wake up and then play with boxes all day in the summer. Hey! A boy can dream can't I?

I also dream of the day when Easton and Layla are potty trained, but for now I have to show enthusiasm every time they use the potty. That's getting really old and my uncompassionate side wants to say, "Oh come on, just GO in the potty already!" but of course, I refrain and save my snide remarks for the blog where no one judges me and the twins aren't affected by the unsavory thoughts that pop into my mind from time to time.

Next week marks two-and-a-half years for the twins. They are outstanding toddlers for their age and I couldn't be more proud of them and Kendra for how she is raising them. I wish time would slow down just a bit so this stage of life for the twins would last a bit longer. Yeah, I know... enjoy it while it lasts. :)

See you soon!

1 comment:

grandmanana said...

Once the potty training is complete the parents feel such a sigh of relief--much like the one I had at your wedding, Haha! Love ya gobs, MOM