Saturday, June 5, 2010

Oma time

Howdy friends and family,

As the release of Toy Story 3 approaches, Layla is really getting into character. She would make an awesome Jessie.

The 4 Webbs finished the longest count-down in the history of count-downs. Ever since Kendra's mom finalized the itinerary for her trip we've been talking about it with the twins each day. That was FIVE weeks ago! We were all excited to get her here and join in the adventures.

She arrived in the afternoon so Kendra and I were out the door by 4:45 to have "date night". We'll have many days and nights with her and didn't want to let the opportunity pass us by.

We chose to spend our date night with Pastor Phil celebrating his surprise birthday party.

My favorite part of the night was walking slowly down the street towards our car holding hands. Sounds simple and easy to take for granted, but believe me those moments are rare and cherished at this stage in our marriage.

The party was excellent and we ended the night by playing the game, "Encore", where we sang songs. I have no idea who won or how it was possible to declare a winner, but that really wasn't the point at all. It was just an opportunity to share and laugh together. Kind of like the Ungame, but with music. You can see the deep thoughts as everyone struggled to recall a song with the word, "Him" in it. Sounds easy, but it really was a brain buster.

Easton found my measuring tape and turned into a real-life Handy Manny immediately. Hundreds of toys in the room and he chooses to play with the tape measurer? Who am I to judge... He has a great imagination so the tool became a weapon like a sword and that is the point where I promptly took it away and pointed him towards the plethora of dump trucks which are just his size and won't cause injury to himself or anyone else within swinging distance.

Oma will be around for 2 weeks so i'll have plenty of related topics and pictures. Kendra went out for a girl's night so I took care of Uno and Dos. After they went to bed I was bored enough to contemplate how bad it is to call this tiny Snickers bar "fun size".

There is nothing "fun" about this bite-sized candy bar. I may take this up as my next cause and picket the Snickers headquarters asking them to change the name or face false advertising charges from my lawyer. I think I have a real case against it.

And now you know why I don't have any free time. If I did it would be wasted on things like this so I keep it to a minimum. :)

See you soon!

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