Tuesday, September 23, 2008

new clothes

Good morning everyone,

Today I learned that putting a tube of super glue in your pants pocket is a poor decision. Yep, when God was handing out common sense I was staring at the sky and Kendra took mine. For unknown reasons I placed the superglue carefully in my front pocket expecting to use it on my headphones at work. I spent the rest of the afternoon standing up and sitting down at my desk like a Catholic Mass.

On my way to the car after a long day of work I reached into my pocket searching for car keys and grabbed a squishy wad of keys, cloth material lining my pocket, and superglue. I spent a few minutes outside the car literally ripping the pocket material out of my pants. Then freeing the keys from my fingers enough to get my car started... I shamefully drove home with my hand stuck to the keys and had to explain to Kendra why my pocket looked like it was attacked by a badger and why I still had the keys in my hand. We had a good laugh and luckily skin grows back.

I saw Kendra and the twins chatting with Oma and Opa on Skype. They turned to see me and I gave my standard greeting with a huge goofy smile and said, "Hiiiiiiiiii Baaaaaaaabies!" Easton and Layla showed me their bottom teeth with equally goofy grins. I noticed Kendra dressed up Layla in a dress she's had for a while and was finally big enough to wear. Guess who picked the dress out??? That's right... me. I knew she'd look like a perfect little doll.

Both of the twins had a sleepless day today so bed time came really early tonight. Kendra pulled out some new pajamas now that Easton and Layla are growing into some of them. They looked so cute listening to mommy read "Brown Bear" for the bazillionth time as if it were the first time they'd ever seen the book.

The highlight of the day for Kendra was spending time with our neighbor and friend, Marsha, out shopping and inside playing. The highlight for me was dinner with Aunt Mary at On the Border. We had a lot of laughs between us and also with our favorite waitress who's been there for 11 years. I'll have to add more detail for that experience some other time because right now I'm still working through my thoughts about taking such a brave step, but talking with Mary for a few hours definitely helped. One year ago today was the last time Uncle Dave was healthy enough to go out for "Tuesday Tacos" so mourning the loss of Dave and our ritualistic fun is difficult.

As I mentioned earlier, Kendra and the twins were happy to have Marsha hang out. Especially Layla who discovered her bracelets and decided that biting them is as fun as wearing them on her wrist. :)

See you soon! Keep your superglue in the utility drawer...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bronson & Kendra!
It's been busy around here so sorry I haven't taken time to comment more. The super glue story sure was neat. I'm glad you got together with Aunt Mary and were able to work through your mutual grief and differences. Dad commented that Easton still looks so much like handsome you and Layla looks like beautiful Kendra.
I'm teaching on Forgiveness in the Single Moms class. It should be good-we all have need of forgiveness and to forgive those who have hurt us.
Love ya gobs,