Friday, September 12, 2008

The big day at the doctors

Hi folks,

Happy Friday to you! Sorry for no pictures or movies. I know that's what you really come here for. :) I'll do my best to catch some of the babies at their doctor appointment to commemorate the moments.

Friday is the big day for Easton and Layla to have their belated 6 month check up... now that they are almost 8 months! They'll be getting a few shots, but we're debating how many to give them and which ones. There is much debate over which shots are really necessary and which ones are just an extra pain in their legs. Also we've heard that 6 shots in one day (that's what the pediatrician said to do) is too many and overloads the poor babies systems. There is so much information and data out there that I'm sure we could find a research paper or some quack doctor who has "scientific research" that proves whatever slant on the debate that we are looking for.

We thought it was time to move Easton and Layla up to size 4 diapers, but found out the hard way they are still a size 3. luckily we have tile floors so it was easy to clean up, but you get the point. accidents DO happen, but apparently they happen more often when the diapers are too big. The other end of the spectrum is that the size 3 diapers make Easton look like he has a huge belly that overlaps his diaper waist band. He's chunky, but it just looks painful and uncomfortable.

The good news of the day is: Easton's #2 tooth poked through yesterday! We can officially see both of his teeth sticking up through his gums and can certainly feel them when we put a finger in his mouth. Hopefully he'll fuss less now that he isn't dealing with that pain.

Meanwhile, Layla Rae is drooling like a faucet and it appears her top teeth may be coming in soon. We all know how much this is like the boy who cried wolf though. I've learned that babies just drool sometimes for no reason!

OK, enough rambling tonight. look for some pictures and updated statistics from the pediatrician on Friday evening or Saturday morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bronson and Kendra!
I trust the babies' doctor visit goes well-the shot decision is of concern but the less is better as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure John Brown would disagree though. Did I tell you that Jeremy is going to Iraq in a month? Granpa Siebold, Larry and Travis are going up to Washington to see him before he leaves & watch a football game while they're at it. You might keep him in your prayers.
Hurry for the new tooth! Those babies look so happy and contented!
Can't wait to see you all.
Love ya gobs,