Tuesday, April 5, 2011

On the Mend

Hi friends and family,

All 4 Webbs have good news for personal health. I'll do my best not to sound like an 80 year old man whose conversations always revolve around ailments and remedies. However, because all of us have our own challenges I will gladly take this opportunity to share the happy, positive things happening in our lives.

For me, the diagnosis is "extreme misalignment of the spine". look at the shift of my upper back compared to my lower back and you can join me in a collective, "duh!"

It may not seem too bad to the untrained eye, but trust me that is messed up! I'm hunched over and in pain every second I'm standing. You may be wondering, "where's the happy news?" Well, after being in bed for three days I am proud to say my back is improving and the pain is decreasing. I was able to go to work today for a few hours, which is very important to do when your boss comes to town for meetings. :) Also, I sat in a chair in the front yard while watching the twins ride their bikes around. The chiropractor is correcting me daily and I after today's visit I feel 10 times better than before.

I also took the opportunity to take the twins out for snow-cones so Kendra could have a peaceful moment or two at home. They did really well with their manners and self control. Neither of them had a single drop of snow-cone on their shirts. That's cause for celebration by itself. Layla requested pink flavor so she got Tutti-frutti. Easton requested blue so he got windshield washer fluid. I'm just kidding, his was bubble gum.

The twin's happy health news is that both of them are over the fever and snotty nose. They were on and off for several days there, but it appears they are back to normal.

For the past few days Kendra took care of two toddlers and one invalid grown man and herself. That's a lot to ask because not only was I zero help, I was actually an additional work load for her. She's such a great wife and mother. This is what she heard:

Bring me Advil
Get the cake out of the oven
Clean up Layla's pasta sauce on the floor
Take out the trash before the garbage truck goes by
Please do blah, blah, blah
Stop Layla from dragging Easton around by his shirt

and on it went for three days straight, going on 4 days now. She needs a massage and a long day out of the house. I hope to be well by this weekend so we can make that happen. Also, Easton is burning through reams of paper because all I can do is lay on the floor and make paper airplanes for him.

And finally, Kendra's health happiness report. She had her knee drained (i can't believe I watched the needle, yuk) and the swelling went down slightly. She has less pain and more mobility, but she still needs to have some medical intervention. She has to rule out rheumatoid arthritis through some blood tests and then the orthopedic dude will look towards some surgical options. Removing possibilities and getting down to root cause is very good news for her restoration of health.

Things are great at the Webb house, but they are better than they were over the past few days. I am excited for improvement and being on the right path. That's it for my happy health news update.

See you soon!

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