Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter

Greetings friends and family,

Holidays and special occasions like birthdays used to one-day or even one-hour events. Life with twin toddlers presents a whole new face for what it means to celebrate. Birthdays last a month and every other holiday is at least a week. Easter is no exception. We've been celebrating all week including the mommy group egg hunt.

Here's a better picture of the ready-fire-aim group of kiddos as they wait impatiently for the great egg hunt to begin.

After the eggs were discovered and destroyed they turned on the splash pad and partied in the sun. Easton's favorite splash pad activity is racing his dump truck through the puddles.

Layla's favorite splash pad activity is the same favorite no matter what environment she is in: socializing. I can only guess what subject matter she was teaching or what obstacle course she was leading.

I came across a self-portrait of April and Kendra with their faces smashed together side-by-side. Rather than risk a comment such as, "I don't like that picture" I decided to post only the relevant portion to prove my point. They have the same eyes! That's cool...

Another cool thing is Easton's decision to take the next big step in potty training. We are almost finished with the process except for the night-time diapers. Part of his reward for taking care of business by himself on the big-boy potty was a ride on the mall train. He felt like a complete champion rolling through the mall.

Layla reaped some of the reward because that's what having twins is all about: share in failure and share in success.

Speaking of rewards... One of our big success stories is the use of the word, "consequences". A friend of mine shared the parenting strategy with me and I adopted it when the lights turned on upstairs for Easton and Layla. A couple of months ago I felt they were ready to handle the new paradigm. I introduced the concept of consequences by saying, "There are consequences for your actions. Those are the results of what you get based on what you do and how you act. It's your choice whether you get good consequences or bad consequences. However, there are consequences for everything you do." After going through this discussion a few times and them seeing real-time reaping and sowing it sank in. Now they get. I mean they really conceptually understand. Now when I say, "you are about to receive consequences..." they know the situation is critical and their choices will determine the outcome.

I like this concept because it prepares them for adulthood. That's the way real life works so why not teach them the truth now? There ARE consequences for every action (or inaction) and we choose the outcome based on our behavior. Anyway, to make a short story long it's working well and the desired behavior modification is occurring.

Meanwhile back at the ranch... My TV watching can be summed up in one sentence: I watch NBA playoffs. That's it. No shows, no sitcoms, no news, not even the music channel unless I'm hanging out for an extended time with the twins alone. This is the time of year where the TV is on about every 3 nights as I'm watching the games. Easton and Layla are completely uninterested. Out of boredom they arranged their chairs in the manner seen below and then sat in them arguing over who was touching who with their feet. I say arguing, but as you can see by the smile expression on their faces it's all in good fun.

What is Easton into these days? The next picture answers that question undoubtedly.

I told him to get two books for me to read in preparation for bed time and he grabbed these two. He insists I start at very beginning so I've been through the table of contents several dozen times recently.

One of the many things Kendra is teaching the twins is how to cook and bake. They sat intently waiting for the chance to pour, scoop, and blend the ingredients for cookie dough.

Part of their willingness to sit through the entire process with angelic-like patience is due to the reward or what we call the good consequence: licking the mixer beaters.

Easton and Layla are very unique individually, but then I see pictures like the one above where their head is tilted the same way, same expression, same hair color, etc. Makes me realize how alike they are. I make an intentional effort to treat them as separate individuals, but they really do look like twins. :)

Happy Easton and I'll See you soon!

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