Monday, May 3, 2010

more pictures, less words


My weekend:

Shhhhh. Don't tell Easton and Layla summer isn't hear yet. They happily play in 70 degree water with 12 mph winds as the sun sets.

Holding Hot Dog after eating hot dogs at Brendon's house:

Pretty princess high heels and driving a CAT dump truck. Layla does it with style!

Judson and Heidi blessed us with an entire new wardrobe for Easton and Layla. Enough clothes to last us until they are 5 years old! Don't come to our house for a few days, ok? It is a disaster as we sort through the new and get rid of the old.

New Thomas the Train pajamas and Thomas the Train toy. He wore the pajamas almost the entire day with pride.

2 cups of flour, 2 eggs, 4 cups of chocolate chips, and one Peanut. She loves helping mommy cook.

Layla: "Can I wear the gloves to the park?"
Daddy: "No"
Layla: "I'm coooooold"
Daddy: "It's 78 degrees inside and outside. You're not cold"
Layla: "Can I wear the gloves to the park?"
repeat 3X

Beautiful day, beautiful twins, quality time with daddy and the ducks.

If you like to go Bump! Bump!
Just Jump on the Hump of the Wump of Gump

Going to see mommy play soccer is NOT a passive experience for Easton, Layla, or Daddy.

Every day, from here to there.
funny things are everywhere.”

That was fun!

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