Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Not babies any more?


Tonight for dessert we broke out the lollipops and butterscotch was a big hit!

They are the cutest twins in the world. After kindly sharing a few licks with me, I had the same look on my face as they do. It is good practice for loving the simple things in life.

Kendra and I believe it is never too early to start teaching and training. It took 14 months of showing the twins how to sign the word "more" before they got it, but once they did our lives as parents were much easier. I'm not sure there is much argument against teaching babies and toddlers how to read, sign, count, and sing. What else are they going to do with their time... stare at the walls? Don't know where that came from, just felt defensive for some reason. :)

We invited our friend's children, Ben and Trinity (who are also twins) over for dinner and they were chaperoned by Anita, who is watching them while the parents go on a cruise. Kendra cooked up homemade spaghetti and we hung out for the evening. Anita gladly read a book with Layla before bedtime. Layla's request was to read "Potty time with Elmo".

As I said earlier, "it's never too early!" Potty training is just around the corner for us at the Webb house. I couldn't be more proud of Kendra for growing Easton and Layla into wonderful toddlers.

Today is a big day of change for me as I transition from using the word "babies" and start calling our twins "toddlers". I've been calling them babies since they were the size of tadpoles in Kendra's belly (27 months ago) so this is a monumental shift in mindset for me. The thought of them NOT being babies is a little sad. We don't have any plans for more kids so we only get to experience the baby stage once. Knowing this as the plan from the beginning has allowed us to completely cherish every second of their life stage. Although I'm sure I will look back and wish I had spent more time with them. All fathers probably feel that way.

As I close out this section of sentimental thoughts, here's my Way Back Whensday photo. This is in my top 5 favorite pictures from their first year of life. What can be better than babies in sleep sacks hanging on to daddy and showing a bit of their blossoming personality through facial expressions (even back then).

I remember the day when I could put them down in one spot and come back 5 minutes later to find them in the same spot! Now they are like wind up toys now. When I put one of them down, their feet are running in mid-air just waiting to touch the ground so they can take off running.

Easton is excited about all things related to transportation: Airplanes, cars, boats, and trains. He even points out the space shuttle in one of the many books he favors! He loves playing with his Thomas the Train toy. Easton is finally strong enough to push down the conductor's head, which acuates the wheels to propel it across the floor. Hours of fun for him.

Here's one word of caution to prepare anyone having a child or a laugh with those who already have children: Kids pee at bath time.

You're options are: 1) strip off their diaper and plop them in the water, which results in peeing in the tub. 2) strip off their diaper and stand them next to the tub while you fill it with water, which results in peeing on tub and floor.

There may be an option 3: stand them next to tub in their diaper and toss some warm water on their backs hoping they will pee in the diaper. Yes, it does work! They pee in the diaper" The bad news is... Once they are placed in the tub they pee again. :( None of the options are appealing so take your pick.

See you soon!


Anonymous said...

Get one of those seats that sits on top of the toilet seat and plop them on it while you are waiting for the bath tub to fill. We did this with both girls and had great success. Rowan is starting to potty train!!

Hope you are doing well!

Anonymous said...

Get one of those seats that sits on top of the toilet seat and plop them on it while you are waiting for the bath tub to fill. We did this with both girls and had great success. Rowan is starting to potty train!!

Hope you are doing well!

The Four Webbs said...

That's a good idea about the potty seat. We have the separate individual chairs and haven't bothered to try and get to use it yet. We'll look into buying those for the toilet seat and see how it goes! Good luck with your training for Rowan.