Thursday, June 2, 2011

Where, O Where

Has daddy been? The answer? In bed. A disturbing virus punched my lights out Friday afternoon and I've barely been coherent since then. I think back fondly of my Friday morning mountain bike ride and how good I felt. Some day soon I hope to regain the health I had that wonderful morning 7 days ago.

The happiest news of my week is that Kendra kicked her flu. We were minutes away from buying Ouma a plane ticket to fly in for support, but decided to stick it out knowing we'll see her in a few weeks. Enough about sickness. I'm starting to sound like an old geezer who rambles about his ailments.

Big Time needs a haircut before head out for vacation. The two of us are going to have some guy time later this week and include a stop by Cool Cuts.

The 4 Webbs went for sushi a few days ago and Easton made me proud. The boy likes sashimi just like dear ole' Dad! I had to chopstick-fight him away from my Yellowtail after he had a small taste of the fabulous fish. We just need to convince Layla about how good it is because she ate one nibble and gave the yucky face.

Layla's hair is finally long enough to braid and style. Kendra took the time to fix is pretty like this with her flower bows:

Speaking of flowers... Layla voluntarily offered to sing Kendra the flower song from the movie "Tangled". She has such a sweet voice.

Kendra allowed Layla to pick out her own nail polish at the store. Guess what color it is? Yep, pink. Kendra painted her nails and Layla's with the same color just for fun.

The twins are at the stage where they want desperately to be like Mom and Dad. Easton points out every time he and I wear crocs. It's a big deal and we play right along with their enthusiasm. We're doing our best to relish this time in life where we set the coolness bar for them to reach.

I'll get back to my normal blog cycle as soon as I can sleep through the night again without coughing. Until then I must get to bed extra early to make up for the poor quality of sleep with increased quantity.

See you soon! (I hope)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Precious!...One of Daph's favorite songs!!