Saturday, August 15, 2009

Layla and Layla?

Howdy folks,

Kendra had some nightmares and needed reassurance so she woke me up at 2:00 AM this morning. My mind started to engage and I couldn't go back to sleep so decided to blog until I get sleepy again. I don't mind being awakened in the middle of the night by Kendra. I love it when she cuddles up against me and nothing brings her closer to my side of the bed more than bad dreams.

Besides, if this is the most difficult thing I have to deal with, then I am extremely grateful. There are a lot of people across the world who will be jolted from their sleep under much more difficult circumstances. Maybe hearing bombs go off or missiles fly overhead? Maybe intense hunger pangs from starvation? Maybe physical ailments or sickness causing pains so great to cause insomnia? The warmth of my loving wife against my back needing comfort is a moment to cherish. These are the best of times for me even at 2:00 AM. I suppose it depends more on your perspective more than your situation, but it's a choice.

On to the lighter side of the 4 Webbs, Easton and Layla are scheduled for their 18 month check up next week. You know what that means? Time to cram for the test! We'll be working extra hard this weekend on their tricks so they get all "A's" on their report cards. Apparently babies at this age should be able to eat with a spoon, do 50 pushups, and recite the alphabet.

Seriously though, we've been helping them hold a spoon for 6 months with very limited success. Easton hasn't figure out the objective is NOT to put every piece of cereal in the bowl onto the spoon before taking a bite. Layla hasn't figured out that turning the spoon upside down every time she takes a bite results in a bib full of mac & cheese. I'm not worried about it at all, but Kendra wants them to be self-sufficient sooner rather than later.

They did figure out the banana. Kendra peels a banana half way down and gives it to one of the twins. They take enormous bites and share very well while eating independently. I was impressed! Maybe I can get a video of that this weekend and share the humorous interaction.

I'm not sure where Layla picked up the habit of pushing her jaw to one side when she smiles really big, but here she is dragging her phone around:

Thank you GG for the toy phone you gave us while we were in California last month. Now we have two similar toys so the twins don't argue over it (applause). Now we wear them out by having "phone races" where they drag their phones by the handset as they run around the kitchen island.

The other night after bath time Kendra brought out the hair brushes for their intended purpose as well as something new to play with. Layla ended up with both of them and she chased Easton around the house like a deranged hair dresser trying to brush his hair. It looked something like Queen Latifah from Beauty Shop meets Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Another thing you'll notice is Layla's long, wispy hair on her left side. Kendra finally grew tired of it and gave her a haircut! The remnants are safely captured in a ziplock baggy. From what Kendra says, the next time her hair grows out it will be even.

I like this next picture of Layla because of her genuine smile. Many times she is either very serious looking or does her on-command, squint-eyed, wide-mouth smile.

and here is a similar picture of Easton I like. I was lying on the living room floor as the twins buzzed around playing before bed time. Easton stopped long enough for me to take a picture and then off again he went. You can see his full set of teeth and pronounced dimples.

Our friends Jason and April brought their two kids over and spent the evening hanging out with the 4 Webbs. We had a great time getting to know them and sharing a meal together. Here is their 2-year-old daughter, Layla.

Yes, her name is correct! Their daughter is also named Layla. That presents challenges when trying to get the attention of one of them. If we say, "Layla" they both turn around. Calling them Layla 1 and 2 would be confusing. My brother hated to be called "Brian 5" so I know that doesn't work well. Kendra decided to call our Layla by her nickname, Chula. She got this Spanish word from her friend, Megan, who calls her daughter by the same name. Supposedly it means, "cute girl". I looked it up on Urban Dictionary and apparently it means something less respectful, but I'll need to verify before we continue to use THAT word as a nickname.

Anyway, here is Layla and Layla sitting at their big girl table before dinner.

Their son, Landon, is obviously much older than Easton. Kendra thought it would be silly to put a bib on him just for fun.

Time to go catch a few more ZZZZ before the dual alarm clocks sound off.

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