Saturday, August 22, 2009

10,000 unique visitors

Congratulations to the 4 Webb's blog for reaching the huge milestone of 10,000 unique visitors! All of you fine people who follow along with us on our adventures are very much appreciated. Thank you for reading along and sharing in the fun of raising twins.

I added the counter about a year ago. I'm completely amazed so many different people are interested and take time to read the blog. Is it possible our parents represent 5,000 of those hits? Yes, but still there 5,000 other friends and family reading along.

Here's the executive summary of our updates from the past few weeks in case you're short on time:

1. Easton stopped biting and it's been a few weeks since his last infraction! Thanks to Tabasco sauce and Dustin.
2. The 4 Webbs were ALL sick, but now everyone is well. We almost bought stock in Kleenex brand... No more snotty noses!
3. We are still rocking the P90X home fitness program. However, sickness and french cooking (see below) put the brakes on our progress for a bit.
4. 18 Month checkup for the twins was fantastic and they are healthy in every way.

Layla officially hit the "limp noodle" stage this past week. Here's a picture to describe what I mean.

According to other parents all kids go through this stage. Some time after Layla realized what the word "no" means, she hit a rebellious stage I call the "limp noodle". If she doesn't get her way her tactic to rebel is to have her entire body go limp and start crying. It doesn't matter if she is being held, walking on pavement or just standing on the tile floor! She just flops and turns into a bag of bones. I've caught her head a couple of times just before it smacks the floor by diving Pete Rose style across the room. The picture above is her warning sign that it's "limp noodle" time. If you see this face, you have about 1 second to hang on tightly to her. Otherwise she slips right through like a greased pig.

The twins are finally able to use the table and chairs they received as a birthday gift! It's officially known as the snack table because they still need the forced focus time during the three big meals each day.

Kendra says eventually they will use this table for coloring, crafts, and meal time, but that seems like a long way in the future for a rookie dad like me.

Yesterday we invited some friends over for an all-out, authentic French dinner. Kendra went to see the Julia Child movie with the girlfriends and were inspired to cook French food. I'm sure many ladies were inspired by the movie, but Kendra and her friends actually did it! She bought Julia Child's official book, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" and those ladies cooked a mouthwatering masterpiece.

The meal was complete with croissants, beef stew (with a name i can't remember), and chocolate soufflé. The afternoon was complete with swimming, Easton and Layla performing circus tricks like monkeys and games. We played a new favorite game of ours called, "Telephone Pencil" I'll upload a few picture examples in a future post, but it's basically like the telephone game from your childhood where you whisper something to someone and then it goes around the room and never ends up as what you originally said. Do that with pictures and viola! you have a humorous evening.

One final picture of our good looking boy, Easton. He was sliding head first into the pool of balls to impress the ladies before bedtime.

And one final word of congratulations to my brother and his wife who expects to officially adopt Lexi next week! We are very excited for them to get through the red tape and finalize it once and for all.

See you soon.

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