Wednesday, August 22, 2012

48th Anniversary

Greetings friends and family,

On this day 48 years ago my parents became one in marriage.

I honor them for their continued commitment to each other and living out a love-filled marriage for me to emulate.  The foundation they built 11 years before I was even born has stood the test of time.  I don't consider either of their parents to have displayed a functional marriage.  The real miracle is not in the years they've been together, but how much success in life they achieved without having role models to draw from.  They relied on mentors and the Bible.  At least, that's my impression of how they learned how to "do" marriage.

The way they treated each other in the confines of our house is exactly the same way they treated each other in public.  I was never confused by the dichotomy so many kids have to deal with when their parents act differently depending on their surroundings.  I remember countless times Dad introduced Mom as "my bride".  We didn't have consistency in the physical structure most people call a "house" because we moved roughly once per year for my entire life.  Even so, my understanding of marriage and family was built on something much more solid than brick and wood.  They embodied the phrase "bloom where you're planted".  It didn't matter what house or city we were in.  What mattered was that I always rested easy knowing my Mom and Dad loved each other and will always be together.

It's difficult for me to relate to people with divorced parents (more than half the country), but I'm grateful for my inability to empathize.

See you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sweet words. Its not only love but true commitment to each other. My parents had over 50 years and I appreciate their sticking it out.