Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bowlers and Dancers

Hello Friends and family,

The 4 Webbs joined our friends for an all-out Birthday party.  Our friend, Kristina, turned 25.  Kendra made us Team Kristina T-shirts with Lord of the Rings characters on our backs since she is a big fan.

A bunch of us surprised her at the bowling alley where we took over a couple of lanes.  One bumper bowling and one normal.  Of course, I used the bumper bowling lane along with Easton and Layla.  During their first bowling experience the ball barely made it down to the end of the lane.  One time the manager had to fetch a ball because it ran out of steam half-way down the lane.  Not this trip!  Their strength was greatly improved and no manager assistance was needed.

Both of them use the two handed "fling it down the lane" approach.  They'll grow enough for fingers to fit in the holes some day, but for now this works just fine.

Everyone came over to our house for pizza and desserts.  Kendra made cupcakes with a ring on each one and a cake for Kristina's candles.  This was the longest and weirdest happy birthday song I've ever heard.  So many goofy friends with musical talents.  The twins sure enjoyed it too.  Wait... One cupcake is missing! Easton?  He really likes his mamma's homemade treats.

Layla performed a dance for all of us and involved the birthday girl too!  I only caught the last part of Layla's dance after she was already worn out, but as you can see she feeds off the excitement of a crowd.

Kristina's dad met Easton and Layla for the first time this night.  His impression of them was exactly what I desire for them.  He said they have such a great sense of freedom and security and confidence.  My job as a father is far from over, but responses like that help me realize we are on the right track.

See you soon!

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