Thursday, January 6, 2011

Vacation Complete

Greetings friends and family,

We're home! The last several days were so intensely busy I barely had time to sleep. Even though I have a real passion for blogging it was down the list a few spots below basic human needs.

I'm happy to report Kendra spent less time with the twins over the past two weeks than at any time since they were conceived. Talk about a much needed break... I took very few days off work in 2010 so I was happy to be away from work as well as spend that time with Easton and Layla.

Fairytale Town

I didn't get to experience Fairytale Town last summer so Kendra and I took the twins there during a break in the rainy weather. Once we arrived, Easton and Layla lit up like Christmas trees with excitement. It was obvious they remembered from last year.

The Crooked Mile is only about 100 yards (false advertising), but still very exciting for kids. The raised, winding path through the trees is a big hit.

After a couple of times around we let them go by themselves. We made it very clear to Layla she was expected to stay WITH Easton. That lasted about 10 steps and then she left him crying in the middle of the path.

She blew through the course like a horse race photo finish and then looked at us for applause and approval. I wasn't sure exactly how to react because although she disobeyed and left Easton walking in circles she put in a great effort and probably set a course record for the Crooked Mile. We are big believers in getting back on the horse so we sent them individually through the path and cheered them on. Easton was as proud of himself for completing the quest as we were of him for sticking with it.


Just had to throw in the reference to the movie, "Up", because that's exactly what we said and laughed about when Easton noticed the furry creature checking us out.

Fairytale town is a very spread out park with fairytale themes. The same things we come across every day in neighborhoods, but with acres of room to run around.

Occasionally there is a random fairytale themed setting like the Robin Hood chairs pictured below.

Can't figure out why I was stuck as "Little John"? Also, who is "Robin Adair". I'll have to check wikipedia about that character...

At least the twins let me be the stage coach driver for the Cinderella pumpkin! The challenge will be finding a highway-worthy, functioning pumpkin stage coach between now and Layla's Prom. Guess I better start building it now.

There are a few weird parts of Fairytale Town I couldn't figure out. For example, why is there a huge hunk of cheese in the middle of the path? The kids put their heads through the holes and then 5 seconds later were staring at each other as if to say, "what do we do now?" so on to the next thing we went.

The next thing happened to be an empty stage where a DJ started playing Jackson 5 hits. The twins were first on the stage to get their groove on.

As the families gathered there were about 40 kids hopping up and down on stage much to Layla's delight. Easton had enough of the spotlight, but Layla met a new friend on the spot and they danced around 'til the music stopped.

We may return to Fairytale Town again because admission is only $4 per person, but I doubt we'll add it to our standard operating procedures for visits to Oma and Opa's house.

While we were in downtown Sacramento Kendra had the great idea to check out the state capital. We stopped into a local deli and then walked around the enormous campus. A guy walking by agreed to take a few pictures and this one is the best of the lot. Layla had her tongue out in all of them so we'll have to set some boundaries on "silly faces" during pictures.

Walking around the massive homage to big government and overspending really tested my limits. I had to fight with all of my strength not to make slanderous remarks in front of Easton and Layla about the slugs roaming the halls there.

Speaking of slugs... Layla and I went for a Daddy Date walk to the store. She shouted, "look it!" while pointing to the slimy creature. You would have thought she struck gold in a mine based on her reaction and curiosity.

I was only able to capture one picture because as I adjusted the settings for my camera's macro mode Layla squished the slug's head with her finger. yukkkkkk

Then we went inside the grocery store.

Yes, I cleaned her hands of slug juice before allowing her to eat the free cookie from the grocery store bakery. I know that's what you were thinking... Her friendly personality earned her a free cookie, a free balloon, and several smiles from strangers as we wandered the isles together.

For some reason the twins jumped on a band wagon talking about a Jelly Bean cake. I've never seen or heard of one and have no idea how or why they wanted to eat one. I told Kendra, "why not? They are asking to make a Jelly Bean cake and you can do it with them so let's do it!" Turned out to be a huge success. I know this because the entire cake was devoured in less than 24 hours.

It was great while it lasted though! That's also my feeling about the 4-week stay with Oma and Opa. I'm a lucky guy to have in-laws who I want to be around that much. I know we (all 4 Webbs) wore them out to the point exhaustion so pray for their recovery and health. :)

See you soon!

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