Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Boy Time?

Howdy friends and family,

A few people have asked why I call the blog "Adventures with Twins". The simple answer is: Because who would read "Struggling with Twins"? Nobody wants to read about how terrible another person's life is. That being said I'm a realist and want to share the truth about day to day life with twins. Some blogs may view the glass as half empty. Some blogs may view the glass as half full. I say, "wrong size glass and let's figure out how to resolve it."

If I could hang a banner over the blog to reflect my view of parenting it would be, "Excellence in the ordinary is what changes the big picture." More than anything in the world my desire is to be excellent in the day to day parenting so Easton and Layla's Big Picture provides them with the best possible start in life. I discovered parenting (like marriage) is enjoying the mundane together and making the most out of what you have available. With the right frame of mind every day IS an adventure. Knowing I have only 15 years left with the twins in my care really sets the pace for how fast I need to be pouring into their lives.

Some blogs focus on one particular area so much it feels like the person writing is trying to convince themselves (or others) about something. Reminds me of Shakespeare, "Thou doth protest too much" in some cases.

Enough deep thoughts about blogging. Back to the adventures. Kendra's two best friends are Megan in Sacramento and April in Phoenix. Both of them have a girl close to Layla's age, but neither have a boy close to Easton's age. Easton plays well with the girls, but can't participate much in the princess dress ups, make overs, and tea parties. I pointed out to Kendra how Easton really needs some "boy time" (Time spent playing with another boy his age).

Little did I know she already made plans to hang out with Danielle and Daniel. Even though he's 6 months older than Easton and double his size they get along very well at church.

I have my own microcosmic experiment to compare boys and girls. What I see is that girls play together and engage each other throughout the play time. Boys play alone and just happen to be in the same sand box with another person who happens to be a boy. Exhibit A:

Apparently Easton told Kendra he had the best day EVER playing with Daniel. Go figure...

Layla spent time chatting with Kendra and Danielle while the boys played. I wouldn't be surprised if she was as much involved in the conversation as Kendra.

Oh come on with the tongue thing already! We covered this little issue in the last blog post. As long as they are having fun I suppose it's no big deal.

"Hey Daniel! Let me eat your snack. I mean... let me help you off the slide."

The differences between Easton and Layla as the boy and girl are becoming wider each day. After work I rode my bike with Easton on his tricycle to the mailbox. We loaded rocks in his tricycle basket and climbed the tree in the green belt.

Then I walked into the door to find Layla dressed up in full Princess gear including the princess watch. I asked her, "What time is it?" She replied, "It's 24! Oh no, I need to drop my glass slipper on the stairs!"

She bat her eyelashes at me, said "you are Prince Charming", and allowed me to give her a kiss. I would never refuse such a precious offer from my beautiful Princess Layla.

Having a boy and a girl requires instantly switching between tree climbing and fairytales and back to fire-breathing dragons and then to a tea party. When I'm able to be involved with the twins like that from 5-8 PM I know I'm running on all cylinders. Some days are better than others!

See you soon.

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