Saturday, September 10, 2011

Visitors in September?

Greetings friends and family,

The fun never ends with the 4 Webbs. Occasionally we add others to our wacky environment because we love spending time with those who are locationally challenged. locationally challenged means those who are not fortunate enough to live in Phoenix Arizona.

Anyway, we welcomed Neill and Jenny for an extended stay of fellowship and supporting them in ministry. Easton and Layla call Kendra's parents Ouma and Oupa, which mean old mother and old father in dutch. They call Neill and Jenny Go-ma and Go-pa, which means grand old mother and grand old father. Go-ma and go-pa are not dutch... we just made those words up. However, they fit perfectly because Neill and Jenny go, go, go as they travel around the world (literally) every year.

We do our best to provide a relaxing environment and get their emotional and physical batteries recharged before they board the plane and continue their trip. As you can see in the next picture Easton and Layla are very comfortable with and close to them.

We ended up with twenty people crammed into our tiny living room to hear Neill and Jenny share. We experienced an amazing night and I'm grateful they were open to teaching our close friends.

The evening was so long and eventful that the 4 Webbs left the next morning for breakfast in order for Neill and Jenny to sleep in. The weather was hot, but not suffocating early in the morning so we drove out to Joe's Farm Grill for a hearty breakfast and running around the big acreage there.

Easton and Layla ran their hearts out. Layla ran so fast she lost her pink Croc in mid-sprint. Easton took advantage of her flat tire and blew by her to the finish line. True brotherly love...

The 4 Webbs are still in hibernation mode where we spend most of our time inside only leaving the house to go some place air conditioned or wet (like a slip-n-slide). Easton and I have a nerf gun and he's learned to load it, cock it, aim it, and hit a target from 10 feet. Next step is a Red Ryder BB gun when he turns 16. between now and then we'll stick with the nerf guns.

Speaking of slip-n-slides Easton and Layla attended a birthday party for their friend Coleton. The next best thing to a pool party is a slip-n-slide party. At least that is true for 3 year olds. I didn't go, but Kendra said they both had a blast sliding across the grass. I saw a video clip and there were no Pete Rose-like tendencies, but maybe that level of commitment and speed with develop as they get older.

Layla gives hugs and kisses lavishly, but simple, extended cuddle time is a rare occasion. I cherish the 20-30 second hit-n-run cuddles she gives me, but wish they were longer. Layla sat next to Jenny as they watched Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. While engrossed in the movie she cuddled up to Jenny and stayed there for a half hour or so. This could be worth contacting the Guinness book of world records.

Easton learned to flip his goggles up like Dwayne Wayne's sunglasses (A Different World). When they get full of water or foggy he just flips them up to scope out his next dive for rings.

Layla is naturally drawn to swim with Jenny. she performs tricks like a circus act and then waits for the applause and accolades from Go-ma.

Another way to beat the heat is furniture shopping. Easton and Layla run the halls while Kendra and I disagree on what is the perfect height of a couch back. One store had TVs all throughout the showroom which were playing some cartoon I've never seen. Easton and Layla walked slowly and sometimes backwards towards the next section of couches. We had to keep calling them to the next area and they would keep their eyes fixed on the big screens as we transitioned. Took us forever to get through that store because the twins kept stopping every 5 yards to watch the next TV. I give that store a high five for good marketing. Also, the sectional couches in the picture felt like an extra soft blanket. yes, please!

Each Sunday after church Easton and Layla always ask to run the isles and go up on stage. They found a piece of candy for each of them and then tried to sing some songs on stage. Made for a very humorous moment. Even though they sand softly and sounded like each had a mouth full of marbles the young folks standing around gave them a round of applause for the effort just the same.

The day after Neill and Jenny leave we get the privilege of Aunt Suzie staying with us for a week or so. Never a dull moment around here and loving every minute of it. See you soon!

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