Tuesday, September 13, 2011

BPS in Mesa

Greetings friends and family,
The monsoon / dust storm / haboob season is overstaying its welcome this year. The clouds darken, the wind kicks up, lightning flashes and thunder claps. Then... the wall of dust sand blasts our town with just enough sprinkles of rain to turn a freshly washed car into a muddy mess. Layla thinks the term rain means a few drops of water falling, but drying up as soon as they hit the pavement. She has no idea what is a gully washer. Even so, she still looks for opportunities to fashionize every event. She showcased Easton's rain boots as she prepared to go outside and brave the droplets. As you can see in the picture Easton's boots still have the tags attached! That was money well spent (sigh).

Speaking of throwing money out the window... The 4 Webbs were riding in the car to dinner. Daddy's driving, Easton's playing with his toy air plane while Kendra and Layla recite memory verses. Out of nowhere Easton's air plane comes flying over Kendra's seat and scratches her arm on the way by. Without taking my eyes off the road rolled down the window and said, "Easton, say bye-bye to the airplane." Then I winged it out of the window onto the sidewalk. As I rolled up the window and started explaining how it's not appropriate to throw toys Easton started bawling.
What Daddy DIDN'T do was find out the facts before doling out the discipline. Come to find out, Layla took Easton's airplane and threw it. Why? I have no idea. We never got an answer. All I know is that Daddy made a big mistake and Easton lost his favorite travel toy because of it. We arrived at the restaurant and I took Easton out his car seat. I got down on his level in the parking lot and said, "I am sorry for throwing away your toy. I didn't know Layla threw it at us. I should have talked about what happened before disciplining. Will you forgive me?" He only thought for a couple of seconds, but then gave a heart-felt, "Yes, I forgive you". After dinner we went straight to Toys' R Us and he picked out a suitable replacement. All better!

The preschool teacher rubs the kid's backs during quiet time. Easton discovered the wonders of back rubs and now he wants anyone and everyone to be his back rub slave... including Layla. He's not picky either. I rub his back while we read books and if I stop he grabs my arm and puts it back in place for more rubs. He's more like me every day and now it's starting to get real because we are competing for Kendra's back rub time. grrrrrr

The twins are becoming closer friends every day. They play more together and share more often, which is exactly what we've been waiting for. Lately they started pretending to read books to each other. Easton grabbed his 100 Years of Flight book (all time favorite) and Layla pretended to be interested as he described the planes on each page.

I took the twins out on a daddy date so Kendra could have some alone time. I already had planned out a trip to Bass Pro Shops because it is indoors (air conditioned), loud (screaming kids don't stick out), and interesting (petting a stuffed skunk is COOL for a 3 year old). Easton headed straight for the aquarium to check out the enormous bass and catfish.

We eventually found the toy section where he grabbed a rifle and pretended to shoot the turkey hanging from the wall.

Layla was most interested in playing cowgirl as she pony-hopped down the isles. She knew enough from Toy Story 2 to yell out a big, "Yeeee haw!" as she trotted around.

Snack time came around and I led them into the Islamorada Fish Company restaurant inside Bass Pro Shops for the pièce de résistance. They questioned me with anticipation, "what are we going to eat for our snack?" Alligator! I'm serious. This place has deep fried alligator as an appetizer for 7 bucks.

I told them we were going to eat alligator and they were both excitedly ready to try it out. Easton said, "I'll eat the alligator, but I don't want to eat the teeth." Fair enough, Big Time... The batter was a bit spicy, but the three of us gobbled it up like cavemen carnivores.

On the way out the door I captured the moment next to the cacti and rock formations. It turned out to be a great representation of Easton and Layla's personalities. I love them both so much. These great adventures really stand out in their minds for weeks and months after we share them.

Tomorrow is another school day for the twins and work day for me and packing day for Kendra. Two months from today we should be in the new house. I thought this time of transition would be stressful for us, but it's not at all. We have such a long lead time and are looking forward to the move so much that we are actually having fun right now. Kendra is more interested than ever in the DIY shows and blogs. I'm able to (dream) shop for all the cool stuff I want. The two of us don't have many hobbies in common, but figuring out how to put our touch on the interior of the house is turning out to be a happy, joint effort.
See you soon!

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