Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Lappy 486

What's up friends and family? Seriously. We'd like to hear from our friends and family so call us even though we probably owe you a call.  Kendra is sick and I'm busy doing unnecessary stuff like working out in the gym and blogging.

I loaded the pictures in a random chronological order because Blogger's new, less user friendly interface is a sight to behold. OK, so what pictures do we have here... I keep having to flip back and forth between HTML mode and Compose. Oh, right. My new transportation arrived in good condition. It's a fixed gear single speed Gavin Fisso. That means no free wheeling or back pedaling. My feet stop going around when the bike stops.  I don't know why this is cool, but supposedly it is so I'll give it a whirl.

Anyway, I needed something to ride 2.2 miles to work each day. Something I can chain up to the bike rack and not care if it gets stolen while I'm working. It happens at my work. often.  Layla is a gift to Kendra and me.  My new single speed is a gift just for me.  Here's both of my gifts in one picture.

A guy on Youtube built this bike in 13 minutes, but since I had Uno and Dos helping I needed 30 minutes to complete. Easton brought out his pretend plastic hammer and banged around on the seat post while I assembled. I thanked him for the assistance none the less. Now all I need is a day where the day time high is below 100 degrees so I can survive the commute without melting into the pavement.

Layla received a Disney princess laptop from our generous friends Heidi and Judson. She's been flaunting it in front of Easton for days now. I heard Easton say, "Let me play dressup, Way-wuh" (that's how he says, "Layla"). She gave an emphatic, "No! It's MY turn." After I put the princess laptop in time out on top of the fridge I decided it was time to start Easton's Information Technology training. I have an old IBM Thinkpad.  The title of this post references Strongbad's Lappy 486 computer in case you didn't know.  Easton needs a laptop. Rather than buy a cheesy Thomas and Friends $100 laptop with a crappy 2 inch monochrome display I launched him right into the real deal.

I started off by saying, "Son, THIS is a mouse." After a few minutes of training with his new weapon I introduced him to a few online toddler games like the Toothless the Dragon coloring page.

The two of them played side-by-side, but Layla quickly realized his laptop was da bomb.  My how the tables turn quickly around our house.  Layla muscled her way in next to Easton and started pressing random buttons.  He tends to share more naturally than her.  As you can tell they discovered a whole new world of fun entertaining with hidden learning.

It's like when Kendra cooks with Deceptively Delicious recipes, but for computers. They are having fun, but learning letters, numbers, and words along the way.

We called for a special trash pick up to clear out our side yard.  Normally Easton only gets to watch the shock and awe of the garbage truck as it loops buy to dump our can.  However, this time it parked and backed up right to  our driveway.  The two guys jumped out and Easton was speechless like one of those teen age girls at an Elvis concert.  He would have asked them for an autograph if he knew what that even meant.

Our Labor Day get-together was hosted by our friends, Judson and Heidi.  They have the perfect house and back yard with pool for entertaining parties such as this one.  There were about 15 kids running around like crazy chickens.  The twins were a little overwhelmed because the environment was the opposite of what they experience at Preschool.  chaotic, loud, unstructured.  I thought it would be pure fun for them, but after only a short time I could tell they were uncomfortable to say the least.

Even in the pool they were loving the party atmosphere, but their confidence in swimming was much lower than a normal night in the pool.

Layla eventually found a corner of room where a mob of kids wasn't herding through.  She grabbed Jayden's guitar and started pretend playing along with her soft singing.  The whole time I was thinking, "I didn't know Jayden played the guitar?"

The 4 Webbs dropped some major cheddar on patio furniture at the local pool supply store.  The clerk was kind enough to throw in an inflatable Orca whale and some diving rings for free.  Easton was ecstatic to ride the Orca around the pool a few times.

Layla was a bit apprehensive, but her attitude of "If Easton can do it then I can do it" prevailed. After a couple of rides around the pool her biggest thrill was jumping off the side and attempting to ride it like a surf board.

The twins like to play with my Lakers megaphones in the tub.  Easton squishes bubbles out of the top and pretends it is a volcano erupting.  Layla keeps filling hers with water and hasn't figured out it just drains down through the hold at the other end back into the tub.  Bath time was over and they wanted to sing loudly through the megaphones.  For some reason they turned them around and started singing loudly towards one another with the megaphone facing backwards.

They sure know how to have goofy fun with the simplest things.  We're going to continue with the cheap/free toys as long as possible.  I justify it by saying it helps their imagination.  :)

See you soon!


R said...

Ok, love the fixie. Have one myself. Mine is prettier by the way. It is the only way to travel on a flat commute. I have taken mine on a longer ride in rolling hills and wouldn't recommend it. I have but one question . . . what is up with the breaks? Are you a girl?

R said...

I meant "brakes" obviously.