Friday, September 30, 2011

comment responses

Hey hey friends and family,

Here's your parenting tip of the week:  Put enough ketchup on it and kids will eat anything.  I have no idea where this came from, but trust me... it works.

I owe a few responses to recent comments so allow me to stir up the conversations and catch up.

Ma, the twins are growing well and almost hit the 40 lbs. mark requiring a step up to the next size of car seats. Easton is still one inch taller than Layla and has been since birth. The genetic features are starting to show through more clearly every day. For example, Kendra tells Layla, "you have Daddy's buns" because of her shapely butt. Easton has the "Swingle butt" as an inherited flat-as-a-board trait from Kendra's family. At church a few weeks ago a woman complimented Layla on her dress. Layla said, "Thank you! I have Daddy's buns." The woman looked at me to interpret whether she just heard Layla correctly. All I could do was agree and apologize.

I'd like to add more pictures of Kendra, but she doesn't go to a job every day requiring makeup, dresses, and getting ready. I don't mind a bit because her natural beauty is one of the reasons I married her. However, she doesn't see it that way so I must choose my post-able pictures wisely. Another reason she doesn't show up much is because when I'm with the twins and able to take pictures it is most likely because Kendra is taking a much needed mommy break doing something else besides whatever I'm doing with Easton and Layla. That being said, here's a picture of the 4 Webbs (including Kendra) from our trip to the park.

Easton and Layla woke us up in their usual manner with the common theme of, "I'm hungry".  After a quick breakfast we dashed out the door (note the hats covering the hat-head look) and headed to the park.  The twins unanimously voted for the Weeee-bump park so deciding where to go was a snap.

I dropped them off with Kendra and took care of the oil change for the Pilot.  When I returned they were already red-cheeked from the heat, but having a blast.  The requested I join them for a slide and since there are three next to each other I gladly agreed.  The only way to lead is by example...

I hoped to take Aunt Susie to the Dinosaur museum, but after the park and running around furniture stores I was too tired to brave the museum.  Maybe next week?  

Best friend, Ryan.  Dude!  You're never on Skype?  what's the deal-i-o?  I'm dying to catch up but a phone call would cost $25 per minute and I don't even know your phone number.  send me an email with you're available times and we'll schedule it in, ok.  The fixie is still sitting untouched in my living room.  It's still 105 degrees outside and that ain't ridin' weather for my work clothes.  send me pics of yours.  I didn't know you were so advanced to ride a fixie without brakes!  My bike came with them already and since i'm riding through traffic I'd rather have the safety nets for the first few rides until i get the hang of it.

Joanie, I'm sure you and John found after getting married and moving (like we did) it's always good to have each other and there are times when no other friends are really a part of your lives.  The difficult part lately is reverting back to the "you and me, babe" state after enjoying the benefits of couple friends for so long.  I know...  it's just a cycle and the only thing I can count on is change.  :)

As for planning for the new house Kendra is happily spending hours per day researching, shopping, and thinking about all the decorating.  We have our budget set and she's working through the difficult task of prioritizing all of the things she wants and narrowing them down to what we really need.  We have a lifetime to fill up the house with stuff, but there are some big purchases she's been putting off for years so it's time to pull the trigger once we close on the house.

See you soon!

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