Sunday, September 25, 2011

Inexpensive Toys

Hello friends and family,

Only two days into our time with Aunt Susie and we're already functioning like a well oiled machine with an extra set of arms with which to love on the twins.  The real purpose of her trip is to attend the Open My Eyes classes with Kendra and I.  The focus is on emotional and spiritual growth through study, mentoring, and classes.  I didn't know this until recently, but Kendra and I are slated to teach the class next session in the spring.  The thought of me mentoring a large group of guys is a bit of a surprise because no one is really "ready" for the next step in expanding one's sphere of influence, but apparently  my time is now.

Anyway, Easton and Layla are right on the verge of some major changes in our daily routines.  The joint bath time is all but finished.  Both of them love bath time because they play with all kinds of toys and have a laughing good time.  We still have the foam letters and numbers in regular rotation of tub toys.  They are showing interest in spelling words now that they have all the letters well understood.

I'm not certain of the exact age when boy/girl twins should start taking separate baths, but my observations tell me know, three and a half, is probably a good time.  The extra effort of double bath times is not appealing, but I expect it will be good to have individual time with each one.

Aunt Joanie sent Daphne's binoculars to us many moons ago.  The twins still have trouble sharing them with each other because it's still a hot commodity around the Webb house.  Easton and I ran some errands and wound up at the Good Will store.  He targeted a ratty, old stuffed animal dog as his toy to beg for.  I know for a fact that Kendra would disapprove completely if I brought home a dirty stuffed animal from the Good Will store no matter how cheap it was.

Then I saw a pair of binoculars up on a shelf.  I showed them to Easton and he dropped the stuffed animal on the spot so he could use both hands on the new-found delight.  Bingo!  the plan worked.  $1.99 later and Easton was looking at the moon with more detail than ever before.  He even took them down to the mailbox to look at the ants.  As you can see he is looking through them backwards, but he'll figure it out eventually.

The heat this summer is just droning on and on forever it seems.  Easton and Layla were so desperate to ride their bikes that we braved the hot afternoon just to get some outdoor, sweaty fun time.

Back at home Layla finds other ways to pass the time by fixing Kendra's hair.  She's so proud of her bow creations and makeup artistry.

Then it was Kendra's turn to do Layla's hair.  Turned out great, but unfortunately bed time followed so all the hard work had to be undone.

The "girl time" is exactly the kind of thing Easton avoids more and more.  He regularly requests "boy time" where he describes an activity and follows it up with, "and NOT with Layla, just Daddy and me for boy time."  Who could say no to that?

I went shopping for a $25 remote control car for Easton, but in my research I discovered a sweet deal on a brand new helicopter so I bought that instead.  At the same time as I peeled open the helicopter box Layla found a measuring tape.  Guess which one provided more enjoyment?

The measuring tape, of course.  They take turns chasing it in.  Layla extended the tape out towards Easton.  Then, as she pushes the button to recoil it, he will chase it like a pit bull chasing a laser light.  I had as much fun watching as they did participating.

On another occasion the twins discovered bubble wrap.  With all of our moving supplies around the house they are finding more ways to entertain themselves with things that were never meant to be toys.  They had difficulty sharing so I gave them each a 5 foot roll of it.  Once they figured out how to pop their first bubble it was off to the races.

Speaking of races...  For some reason the preschool did a craft activity where they color pretend holes on a pair of construction paper pants.  Then they patched them up with pink pieces of paper and glue.  That's not interesting enough for Easton and Layla so they turned them into the flying pants.  Both of them run around waving the pants in the air like an airplane.

Easton adds his own wings and sound effects. I don't have ANY idea where they get these ideas...

By the way, Easton and Layla's new favorite YouTube clip is the coolest thing I've ever seen.  Easton saw this clip and said, "Daddy, some day you and I can do this together!"  Layla interjected to clarify her position by saying, "I don't want to do that...  I just want to be a ballerina."  Can't say that I blame her either

Summer is winding down, but Bahama Bucks snow cones are always in season.  I took the twins there for a special treat this afternoon while Kendra and Aunt Susie did some window shopping for house stuff.  The twins want to stay at home more and more as the days go by.  If I offer to take them on errands I need to run both of them decline because playing at home is only second to going out for ice cream or a snow cone.

Note to self:  Don't let Easton wear a white T-shirt while shoveling a blueberry snow cone in his mouth.  They chose their own flavor and color.  Easton chose blueberry and Layla chose pink bubble gum.  Imagine that.

And along the same lines of thinking, they each have their own beach towel hanging up outside because the pool is still open for business with a mild 84 degree water temperature.  I can tell summer is winding down though because they both shiver after getting out of the pool.  Then they sit wrapped up in their towel on the living room rug for several minutes to warm up.

This was a great weekend for the 4 Webbs, but I'm saving the best for tomorrow's post:  Renewing our vows.

See you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The twins are looking soooo big! Loved the pics. Can't wait to see the vows renewing. How about more pics of Kendra in the blog? Tell me about the new decorating you all do. Love ya gobs, MOM