Saturday, May 14, 2011

Toys and Gifts

Howdy friends and family,

The 4 Webbs were invited to a birthday party and gladly agreed to attend. The friends there were, well... friendly, but the real reason we went is because we knew it would be an extravagant backyard carnival.

I took the twins to "Ross" to shop for a birthday present. I fully expected to buy them something for the fun of it even though we went there to buy a gift to GIVE. Layla saw the toy isle and froze in her tracks with a huge sigh of amazement. You'd have thought she just walked through the gates of Disneyland. She immediately zero'd in on a princess guitar and asked if she could take it home. I said yes and she jumped up and down with glee. I wasn't aware princess guitars existed, but apparently they do and she said, "I'm rockin' out!"

Easton found several interesting toys. He particularly liked the toy tool set. Earlier today he broke my real tape measurer and this one had a play tape measurer so I figured it was a good idea to get his own tool set to play with before I go replace my real tape measurer.

He is a manly boy. His first instinct was to drill a hole in my camera. That's what guys do: knock stuff down and use power tools!

We purchased a toy truck with some replaceable wheels and parts. I knew it would be a big hit because Easton liked it and the birthday boy is turning 3. Nothing like a little field testing to find the perfect gift.

We arrived at the party to find the carnival atmosphere we expected. The enormous blow up slide with pool at the bottom was the big hit of the party. When we showed up Layla ran to the back of the slide and flung herself with abandon off the top ledge down into the pool.

Easton is my calculated risk boy. Just like his dear old Dad. He stood next to the pool for a while watching the kids successfully slide, splash, and crawl out. Then he sat on the edge of the pool getting soaked by the kids sliding. Then he eased his way into the pool and bobbed up and down for a few minutes.

Finally, after about 20 minutes he marched around to the back side, climbed up, and slid down apprehensively.

We cheered him on as though he just won a gold medal at an Olympic event. He was focused on us to make sure we saw his bravery and encouraged him. After a couple of more times he was comfortable enough to let loose and really enjoy himself.

Most birthday parties require pizza and CapriSun drinks. Not sure why, but this party followed protocol well. At first the twins would chomp a bite of pizza on their way by to take another pass at the slide. That wasn't working well so we had to put a halt on the fun long enough to shovel a slice of pizza down.

They made fresh snow cones for everyone. Once the twins realized they were available, the slide took a back seat quickly. Layla requested pink and Easton requested blue. I wonder where they got that from? Kendra looks pretty as always and stylish with her sunglasses.

On the other hand, I looked like a homeless guy with my rats-nest half-fro, 5 day old scruff, and T-shirt. Anyway, the other big event was the birthday song and cake. We talked about it for several days so they were ready for the sugar overload. The 4 kids who blew out the candles didn't spit all over the cake. Layla stood right next to the birthday boy because she loves to be right in the middle of the action.

The twins waited patiently for their reward. I couldn't stop them from scraping the frosting off the top and shoving a spoonful in their mouth. It's a party though so I chose not to fight that battle.

I was happy to have the full day of fun with Easton and Layla because I've been working so much over the past couple of weeks.

Out of nowhere today Layla cuddled up next to me on the couch and started singing, "Never grow up" by Taylor Swift. Nearly brought me to tears because I don't know how much longer she'll want to be that way with me. I don't need any reminders to soak up these precious days with Easton and Layla, but they happen none the less. I'm not even sure how she knows that song? Guess I'll have to check with Kendra for an answer.

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