Sunday, April 19, 2015

Power Over Circumstances

Greetings friends and family,

The times are certainly interesting at the Webb house.  I am incredibly grateful for all the meals, cards, prayers, phone calls, and help we've received over the past several weeks.  many people have given their time, skills, and money to support us through these challenging times.  Kendra's mom and dad were here, my mom was here and now my sister, Joanie is here.  All them were given the helm to captain the ship of the Webb house.  I've been going crazy just keeping my head above water that I haven't taken many pics of them, but I have a few to post with some great stories.

I can't remember the number of times I walk into the master bedroom to find Kendra being a blessing and encouraging others.  Kendra has a great excuse to be sad and frazzled and needy.  She could easily be completely justified in spending her day receiving.  However every single day I hear her leading friends into an encounter with God and praying with them about their life!

She even goes down to the front of the church during service.  Not to be prayed for, but to pray for and with others.  This is amazing faith in action.  She believes God can heal and restore and meet the needs of our church members even in her current condition.

People who see her or talk with her are blown away by how she is more than just calm and stable in the midst of her broken back and cancer, but she is giving and loving and healthy.  I've been taking random selfies of the two of us.  She is able to stand and walk at certain times during the day, but I usually think about getting a picture of us when we are resting in bed where she spends most of her time these days.

Kendra finished up her third and final Cyberknife laser radiation treatment this past week.  As we were waiting around in the doctor's office before the last round of radiation I captured the moment.  The way Kendra expresses the peace and hope inside her is beyond amazing.  We've had some brief discussions of doubt and concern and sadness about the pain and the unknown, but those are rare compared to the day in and day out confidence she has inside.

After the last treatment they gave her a graduation certificate.  I was impressed they gave her a token of celebration.  So far we've received bills for about $200,000.  That's before the Cyberknife radiation!  and chemo hasn't started... and general radiation.  good grief, this is going to be a record for money spent in health insurance.

I know this is a blog dedicated to adventures with twins, but lately we've had adventures in survival and doing our best to make it one day at a time.  Next post 'll get back to the twins and our awesome extended-family visitors.

see you soon!

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