Saturday, June 29, 2013

Vacation Waning

Greetings friends and family,

Those few nights in my own bed were heavenly, but the rest we are getting by taking advantage of grandparents living in the same house are even better.  The longest vacation of my life is almost over.  I can't believe 70 days has come and gone.  However, I don't feel any regret of wasting this time or missing out on anything.  The family bonding time is irreplaceable.  Also, I feel well rested and almost ready to go back to work.

We took a family walk on the neverending bike path that runs through town.  Taking walks, working out at the gym, and being active is at the top of my list.

Layla's flower girl dress arrived.  She did a fashion walk through the living room to show it off.  such a sweet princess.  I can't wait to see the 4 Webbs in Logan and Bree's wedding.

While shopping at some department stores the battery on our Pilot died.  I went to rescue Kendra, Ouma, and kids.  Then Dad came to rescue me with tools and a Costco card to replace the battery.  Anyway, Easton was so excited to show me what Kendra bought him.  real astronaut food!  Ice cream, no less...  After dinner he shared his incredible gift with all of us.  I couldn't believe how excited he was about eating the same food as real astronauts, but I'm glad he is passionate!

My week has been ultra-low-key.  Like, I don't even leave the house or see any other person outside our family some days.  This is exactly what I want for my last week of total freedom before starting work again.  I've been able to sleep in as well as interact with the kids as much and as often as I like.  I even talk on the phone with Easton sometimes.  You know...  ring, ring, ring, banana phooooooone!  Easton...  I am your father.

Kendra got all dressed up.  That's not a huge deal, but it rarely happens because of me.  Usually she's going out with her girlfriends or to a church event.  But this day she dressed up just for me because we went on this thing called... uh, a date.  yeah, I remember now what it's like to go out with just her and I alone.  it's a little late in the year to be making new year's resolutions, but if I had one it would be to spend an entire evening out at least once per month.  I'm blessed to have such an attractive wife.

One of the many things Easton was looking forward to this trip is golf time with Oupa.  Easton started back at the basics of putting and chipping.  He picks up concepts really easily.  I was impressed with his stick-to-it attitude.  In many other areas he loses interest easily and defaults to an "I can't" attitude, but with things he is interested in there is no deterring his focus.

He did well at chipping, but preferred putting.  Those are some good fundamentals!

The reason I have so much about Easton is because Layla and Kendra stayed the night with her friend Megan and her daughter Isabella.  The Mommies are great friends and the girls are best friends.  Layla has talked about seeing Isabella for months.  She would randomly bring up Isa and say how much she misses her.  All I could say was, "we'll be there soon!"  When we arrived she begged to go Isa the very next morning.  I was glad for them to spend an evening together.

We had our own fun at home though.  I found a recipe online for how to make homemade applesauce.  Easton and I jumped into the kitchen to make it.  We realized how we were in over our head and Ouma came to the rescue.

The applesauce turned out well, but because Easton is so used to the pre-packaged junk he wasn't amazed by it.  He liked the fruit sushi though.  I peeled a banana, rolled a fruit rollup around it, and cut it like sushi.  I'm a terrible chef, but Easton didn't care or notice.  I'm still in the superhero category with him because he doesn't know any better yet.  I'll enjoy my status as long as he allows it.

We invaded Aunt Joan's pool like we do every summer.  The high wall provided a good jump point for the twins.  The solar heater produced a 90 degree pool in 98 degree heat, but it was still refreshing.

These two make life extremely interesting and fulfilling.  I can't imagine fewer kids or more kids and I can't imagine being a single parent.  I appreciate the life and opportunities I have.

One of my goals is to live a life of no regrets (or as few as possible).  I've never met an older person who says, "I wish I would have worked more at my job" or "I spent too much time with my spouse and kids".  I won't be on the wrong side of that conversation when I get old.  These are the days we remember.

See you soon!

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