Friday, August 17, 2012

First Day of Pre-K

Greetings friends and family,

The Resolution is hung by our front door now and it's one of the first items to grace the walls of our living room.  We've lived here for 9 months now and have yet to hang our pictures and art on the walls.  Not sure what we are waiting for...  Maybe a rainy day?  We might get our shot at that tomorrow.

Easton and Layla share well with almost everything.  I had yet another opportunity to keep them truckin' down the sharing path.  We only have one indoor soccer ball.  We've played catch with other objects and balls, but for some reason the light hadn't flipped on.  They frantically said, "mine" to each other several times so I took the ball.  "Easton go there.  Layla go there." as i pointed to ends of the hallway.  I explained the concept of playing catch and they both looked at each other with a squinty eye as if to say, "are you REALLY going to kick it back to me if I kick it to you?"  Layla gave it a try.

Easton reciprocated.

Then they spent the next 30 minutes having a blast kicking it back and forth.  Kendra jumped in with her fancy soccer skills to explain the basics of trapping and technique.  You'd be surprised what a 4-year-old can comprehend.

Ah, the first day of school!  They returned to the same school from last year so the campus was already familiar.  Kendra and I joined the twins for orientation and play time.  They were not timid at all.  They acted more like seniors on a high school campus; waving to classmates, leading the way to their class, and discussing the games they will play today.

The official class time was over but even as we headed out to the car they asked to run around in the adjacent field with their friend, Titus.  Mr. Rogers nailed when he said, "Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood."  I'm excited for Easton and Layla to experience another fun-filled year of learning at home and school.

They will be well prepared for Kindergarten next year, for sure.

See you soon!

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