Saturday, June 2, 2012

Birthday Girl

Howdy friends and family,

During the past week I was caught using the word "y'all" three times and I haven't been back to Missouri in quite a while.  Not sure what that's all about, but my accent and vocabulary seem to be reverting back to childhood.  Nothing wrong with that though...  Kendra says it is attractive.  

Layla is getting some great kitchen time and hands-on training from the expert herself.  Layla did the a good majority of the work for our holiday dessert, which she calls "fruit pizza".  It tasted like a sugar cookie with cream cheese frosting and fruit on top.  Easton and I ate it up, but Kendra said it didn't turn out as well as she hoped.  It's all in the eye of the beholder I suppose.  

For Kendra's birthday dinner I grilled up bacon-wrapped filet mignon.  The twins asked, "what animal did this meat come from?"  The question is normal at meal time since we eat almost every known meat available.  seafood, turkey, pork, beef, chicken, iguana (ok, maybe not that last one).  The variety we expose them to is a tribute to Kendra's breadth of cooking ideas and abilities.  We are working diligently to create well-rounded eaters who are adventurous with their palate.  

One of the many values I'm actively instilling into the twins is based on the Bible verse "You do not have, because you do not ask."  I want them to freely ask and to be specific in what they want.  Many people never get what their hearts desire because they simply refuse to ask or are not specific enough when they ask.  Any time Easton and Layla ask me for something I thank them for asking and encourage them to be more specific if their request is vague.

An example of this is what Easton did when he looked into the drawer with long balloons and an air pump.  He asked, "Dad, will you get a yellow balloon for me?" Layla in the back ground chimed in with "me too!  I want a yellow one!" Easton said, "blow them up with this pump and give them to us so we can have sword fights...  please."

I look for these opportunities to grant them simple requests exactly as they ask.

Does that make them spoiled?  Absolutely not.  It gives them confidence and trust that Dad wants to grant them the desires of their hearts.  We DO say no and give them valid reasons why.  Sometimes we give them what I call a "managed yes".  We say, "yes, we will have popcorn, but since it is bedtime we'll have it tomorrow afternoon when we watch a show on TV."  For many people the spirit of lack begins with a lazy or close-fisted father.  After years of being told "no" for simple requests, why would a kid continue to ask?  or ever think to ask the impossible?  I want to be as far on the other side of that pendulum as possible.

There is no story behind this picture other than I had my camera and let them make a funny face.  Their personalities are growing even faster than their bodies.

I put the camera on the table and they instinctively put their chins right on the top.  We laughed at this picture several times when I pointed out how we could see their reflection in the table top.

And the birthday girl's special day...  I bought her a gift that is probably in the "don't buy this for your wife's birthday" list.  Most women will roll their eyes, but it was a great gift in my opinion.  Kendra spends hours per day on the phone.  I'm not exaggerating.  I have the cell phone bill to prove it.  We are on the "Holy cow, I can't believe one person talks this much" plan with AT&T.  Between mentoring several ladies, her family in California, out of state friends, and me she is on the phone often.  So I bought her a Jawbone Bluetooth Headset.  Yes, I know it isn't romantic, but it's a nice-to-have accessory and her neck will appreciate it.

I also booked a 4 day vacation for us to be alone in a cabin.  :)

One of her dreams is for me to cook her a cake from scratch for her birthday.  I knew that, but due to lack of planning and coordination it'll have to wait until next year.  She wound up making her OWN angel food cake with strawberry topping and whipped cream.  That is a way healthier version of cake than I was planning to make so it all worked out for the better.

See you soon!

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