Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day of School

Hello friends and family,

Easton and Layla started an 18 year journey today by attending their first day of preschool. pre, k, 1-12, plus a 4-year degree = 18 years. Every journey begins with a single step and today was the magic step towards becoming educated. Here's the official first day of school shot. I had them stand separated so in case either of them wants an individual picture of their first day then I can cut the picture in two.

They were excited about today because Kendra and I were excited about today. It's a simple concept. I learned a long time ago that whatever frame of reference the parents portray around the kids is how their world is colored. They ran into our bedroom this morning after waking up. The first words out of Easton's mouth were, "Is it today, Dad? Do we get to go to school today?" That was music to my ears to hear him say "get to" instead "have to".

Kendra had their backpacks and lunches and folders all ready to go by the door. Even though Easton and Layla had to remove the backpacks to get in the car they still wanted to wear them out the door. They are such good looking kids.

We signed up Layla for dance class and Easton for sport ball. By "signed up" I mean we paid an extra $300 for the two of them to do these extra curricular activities during the school day. Kendra is convinced it is worth it. Since I'm unable to evaluate return on investment for these things I just nod my head and say, "yes dear". Besides, Oupa agrees we should get Easton's coordination skills on the right track. He's the coach!

Kendra is taking the twins to school now so i'm anxious to hear the school report at the end of the day. What will Kendra do with an entire free day to herself? Do you see these boxes she swiped from Walmart?

Time to start packing the house and loading all of the stuff we never use into boxes. I'm sure she'll take a few minutes (or hours) to spend time with April since they are leaving town in two weeks.

My feelings about today are very scattered. Every day for the past 3.5 years I've known exactly where Easton and Layla are and who they are with and what they are doing. It's not a control thing as much as it is a comfort thing. There is comfort in knowing who/where/when details about Easton and Layla's status. Today I have to release them for the entire day into the hands of complete strangers around a bunch of strange kids in a strange environment. Feels very strange to me... I'm not really worried per se, just adjusting to the new realities of helping Easton and Layla grow up.

I'm happy for the twins to learn and play and socialize. I'm happy for Kendra to rest, pack and enjoy the silence. That's good enough for me. The only thing constant is change and we're going through a lot of that lately.

See you soon!

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