Gobble, Gobble,
The Thanksgiving vacation is in full effect at our house. I'm off work until Monday and Kendra's parents are sharing the holiday spirit with us for a week of fun and adventures.
Kendra is working with the twins on very specific concepts each day and they are both making serious strides in learning. For example, one day will be all about the letter "D". That's it. how it sounds, how it looks, words that start with "D", songs with "D" in it. I came home to find painted dinosaurs stuck to the fridge and the twins saying, "duh, duh, dinosaur" with great enunciation skills. I'm not sure how Kendra chooses a letter or number on which to focus, but I know there is a method there somewhere.
One day was circle day and now Layla shows off her circle drawing skills every chance she gets. Just look at those circles on the chalk board!
We bought huge bubble wands over a year ago knowing someday the twins would be able to use them. Well, that day has finally come. I put bubble soap in a paper plate and let them have at it. Easton squatted down to refill his bubble wand just in time as Layla swished hers over his head.

The next time we do this I'll have TWO paper plates with bubbles so they each have one. This will avoid the close-calls and potential crying from being whapped in the face with a bubble wand. I caught one such close-call on video and you can hear Opa and I gasp as Layla swings the wand millimeters from Easton’s head.
We took a trip to The Farm restaurant for lunch and had an awesome time wandering around. The food took so long to be ready Easton and Layla almost started eating the potted plant on the table.

Opa took the opportunity to teach them patience and self-control. We'll be working that concept deep over the next few weeks. We turned Easton and Layla loose on the outdoor area while waiting for the food. Several other kids meandered through the rocks and shrubs. It sure beat drawing on a placemat like other restaurants.

After consuming the food we took a walk through the farm to see where it was produced (right on site). I'm really happy with the way this picture of the 4 Webbs turned out. One of my favorites in a long time. Thanks, Oma! The illusion of the disparity between Easton and Layla's height is somewhat due to the terrain, but Easton really is taller than Layla. It's becoming more obvious all of the time too.

We paused just long enough to take some pics and then continued the charge through the trees. Here's the three generations of women in my life. Each one I owe a level of gratitude for producing the next lovely lady in the family tree.

If the gene pool were absolutely fair then Easton should be a split mixture between Opa and myself. Unfortunately it looks like Easton is going to end up with my skinny legs. Sorry, Easton... Nothing is fair in life. :) He did get a blend of our dashing good looks though so I have high hopes for Big Time.

One evening I ended up at the supermarket and happened to find helmets on sale. Knowing the twins are finally self-propelling the tricycles I bought a Princess helmet for Layla and a Buzz Lightyear helmet for Easton. The elbow pads are more cosmetic than functional, but every little bit of protection helps. Both of them love showing off for Oma.

See you soon!
helmets!!!! They are in a box--almost ready to mail for C-mas! Eek!! It may take me another lil bit to get back out and shop! That's ok. They sure need to start using them anytime they ride a bike---says a mom who endured a seizure.....joanie
Oops... My fault. I thought Kendra had that on our list of things to buy, not on the Christmas list. Sorry about that!
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