Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Way back Whensday

Happy Wednesday everyone,

I thought it would be fun to do a comprehensive, year-by-year review of the 4 Webbs because this IS Wednesday. Also, I'm finally home where I can access all our old pictures.

2000 - Her crazy family reunion as our 5th date? What was I thinking...

2001 - Introduction to my family back in Missouri to see if they approve

2002 - Our big wedding day. Ta-da! We're married

2003 - jet-setters in Mexico for beach and sunset romance

2004 - Traveling the Rome and Greece

2005 - Climbing local mountains together (headbands weren't cool in 2005 either)

2006 - WE (it was a team effort) graduated with an Masters of Business Administration

2007 - Ready for the big time, baby (babies)

2008 - Adjusting to life as the 4 Webbs

2009 - Raising two wonderful kids and loving every day together

Everyone changes, but not everyone grows. My desire is to keep on growing! As the years tick by, the bad times seem to fade away. I'm sure it is partly due to forgiveness and partly because all of the pictures are from happy times. To think my next annual addition to this post will be in the year 2010 is surreal. Seems like yesterday we were partying like it was 1999.

Rock on.

1 comment:

aunt joanie said...

Love the walk down memory lane! You are so attractive together!! (except for the sweatbands..ha)It's a great idea to have special pictures from each year, along with the story of what you did on your anniversary. (The years tend to blur after a few more!)Glad you enjoyed some time together. You are living a beautiful moment together. Everyone says to soak up this time of life. Personally, I'm a glutton!!