Wednesday, June 11, 2008

cousin daphne

Howdy friends and family,

The last picture in the previous post of Easton and Layla lying between Kendra's legs is now the background of my desktop.  I really like seeing there faces every time I log in or boot up my computer.  There are a few poses of Kendra with the twins that will make great pictures, but she says we have to wait until her parents are here so we can juggle babies and cameras with a few extra sets of hands...  

Baby Einstein videos are a huge hit with Easton and Layla.  They love the Old McDonald one and the Mozart one.  I think we have one in spanish now?  We're trying to get them to be bilingual with English and Spanish, but WE have to speak it more often for it to work like that.  I'm amazed at how intently they watch every detail of what is going on in those movies.  Layla normally has her arms tucked in and hands clutched in a fist, but when she watches Einstein, her arms open up and she wiggles around like a wind up toy.  We limit them to 30 minutes per day max for TV time.  Although I couldn't help but let them catch the last quarter of the Lakers win last night!  I'd give them 1 in 8 chances of actually winning the finals, but maybe I'm being over optimistic because I'm a Lakers fan.

Thursday is a big day in the Webb house.  I have a full work day with Taekwondo during lunch.  Kendra has final touch up cleaning to do for the house to go along with normal mommy duties.  Then Kendra is going to a mom's group with her friend Danielle and THEN!...  Oma and Opa Burgess will be here at 9:00 PM.   Yea!  We've been missing both of our parents being here with us and even though we can't get both sets together again right now, it will be great to have Oma and Opa with us.  

There will be more pictures coming soon of our twins, but i've been waiting for a day like today where we don't have any new ones so that I can post this one of Daphne.  She is my sister's daughter, which makes her cousin Daphne for Easton and Layla.  She's a real cutie and I can't wait to go back to Springfield to spend time with my family.  I can exercise my uncle skills and have a ton of fun with them.  Here's Daphne showing off her bracelet, which she calls her"pretty":  

Isn't that the sweetest picture ever? Good night all!

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